A hard, long journey until Bethesda stepped in

Lorenzo Seconds (32) was one of 3 people involved in a terrible accident in October 2016.  Lorenzo sustained serious injuries to both his legs and one arm.  He was transferred from George Hospital to Bethesda’s Intermediate Care Facility 11 October 2016 for continued treatment and rehabilitation.

Being a very active man in the past this tragedy left Lorenzo bed- and wheelchair bound.  The Interdisciplinary Team compiled a care plan for him and were determined to get him walking and active again.

We were ecstatic when Lorenzo walked out of our Facility 4 months later.  The day of his discharge (11 February 2017) he had one last request for us: To contact the George Herald to do a follow up article after the accident and quoted from this article in Lorenzo’s own words:  “I am glad to go home but I will miss the people at Bethesda.  Here at Bethesda I received first class care.  The Sisters and Therapy team helped me to be able to help myself.” 

He also added a special thank you in the article (quoted): “I still experience pain on a daily basis and I cannot walk without a leg brace but I am able to stand and walk.  I wish to thank the Physiotherapist, Scott Rickard and Occupational Therapy Technician, Linda Kleinbooi for excellent rehabilitation.  There were days when I wanted to give up but they encouraged me all the way.”

This is yet again a testimony of how Bethesda gives “Heart and Hope” to patients and children in our care.


Website: www.bethesdageorge.org.za

Facebook Page: Bethesda Medical and Relief Services NPC

Tel:  044–875 8088                                                                            

Fax: 044–875 9963                                               

E-mail: ceo@bethesdageorge.org.za

Address: 22 Beer Street, Rosemoor, George, 6529 

P.O. Box 2586, George, 6530


NEDBANK (Branch Code: 109 114)

Acc Names:Bethesda Medical & Relief Services – Hospice (Acc No.: 1091 128 499)  or

Bethesda Medical & Relief Services – Child & Youth Care Centre (CYCC) (Acc No.: 1091 128 510)