1. What is your name?
Allinah Balclebawami
2. Which hospice do you work for?
Hospice Wits
3. What do you do there?
Working as a Palliative sister
4. How long have you been there?
4 Years
1. Why did you decide to focus on palliative care?
Because I enjoy working in palliative care and it requires my focus on the patient together with the family.
2. What gives you the greatest fulfilment?
It is teamwork management for pain and other physical symptoms and patients and family preparedness.
3. What do you find the most challenging?
When the families demand to bring in a patient who is not terminally ill and who does not need palliative care.
4. What do you think people find the most challenging about a life-threatening diagnosis?
Physical pain, depression, hopelessness, loss of dignity and a variety of intense emotions.
5. What do you think that you personally bring to your job that reflects who you are as a person?
To bring kindness to both patient and family.
6. How do you take care of your own health and balance?
Exercise and stress management.
7. What is your advice to anyone else wishing to join your profession?
It gives you knowledge about the end of life and inner peace from helping the helpless.
8. What is your advice to anyone given a life-threatening diagnosis?
Do not panic and register early with your nearest hospice.
9. What is your advice to the loved ones of anyone who is given a life-threatening diagnosis?
To give support and walk the journey together with the patient and help where needed.
10. How do your loved ones feel about the work that you do?
They thank Hospice Wits staff they usually say they can’t cope at home.
11. What do you like the most about the hospice that you work with?
Environment, support, and teamwork.
12. Do you have a “motto” that you tend to live by that you would like to share?
To take each day as a blessing because you see how cancer patients suffer.