How Crazy Were You for Cancer?

Lace-up for Cancer, a 5 walk or 10 kilometre run event, was the initiative of HPCA’s communications officer, Eric Watlington. Starting small with a handful of staff and a few of their friends in 2013, this year it grew to over 600 participants, with the public enthusiastically taking part on World Cancer Day, 4 February 2015.

Major preparation and hard work was needed for this 2015 project and with just less than 12 weeks in which to prepare for the event, there was no time to waste.

Maria Demjan, co-ordinator for the event, led the team to accomplish what they had initially set out for, a successful and fun event. The team included Eric Watlington, Delshe April, Nicky Ulyate, Shaun Thomas, Annanda Botha, Jenny Handley, Warren Handley and Natalie Brock. This enthusiastic team displayed dedication and hard work, people who welcomed putting in extra hours to ensure that the event ran smoothly and culminated in a stellar success!

The aim of this event was to raise awareness of the different type of cancers that people face, how to prevent it, how to treat it, and how to ensure that others are informed about cancer. The 2015 theme for Lace-up for Cancer was vividly displayed by participants who dressed up in crazy costumes confirming that they are “crazy for cancer.” The event also served to commemorate the passing of loved ones who have lost their lives to cancer and to honour those who are currently living with cancer or still undergoing cancer treatment.

This year HPCA partnered with other NPO’s and organisations such as Cancer Alliance, Love Your Nuts and Pink Drive. A greater awareness and hype around the regular cancer campaign could be achieved and lesser known organisations, aligned with cancer, obtained favourable exposure.

Both the 10 kilometre run and the 5 kilometre walk commenced at the historic Mouille Point lighthouse outside Cape Town and took in the scenic and beautiful suburbs of Green Point and Sea Point with Table Mountain as the backdrop. It was truly a beautiful setting and location for such an event. The imposing Table Mountain (a World Heritage site and one of the modern Seven Natural Wonders of the World) on the one side and the azure Atlantic Ocean on the other.

Proceedings started at 6pm and were concluded with much laughter, fun and frivolity around 7.30pm. Amongst the many notable participants was Achmat Hassiem, HPCA’s brand ambassador, who lost his leg in a shark attack at Muizenberg beach during 2006. He, together with the CEO of HPCA, Dr Liz Gwyther, kick-started this fun event, then joined the participants in walking the full distance and even concluded the “race” ahead of many others!

There were fabulous prizes for the first runners and walkers in, lucky draw prizes and for those who had made a huge effort in dressing up ‘crazy’! These included restaurant vouchers from Den Anker, Beluga

Over the last few years the number of participants has increased quite steadily and the over 600 happy and “crazy” participants of Lace-up for Cancer 2015 are already enquiring about the 2016 arrangements.

Watch this space. Be there, or be sorry. To check out the rest of the photos, click here and don’t forget to like our Pall 10 Facebook page!
