A Story of Love & Hope

My story starts somewhere around the end of July 2016 after I continually ignored signs of possibly having cervical cancer.

Finally, I decided to just “pull up my big girl panties” and make an appointment to see my gynaecologist, where he confirmed after a physical, pap smear and a biopsy that I had stage 2b cervical cancer.Shock, horror. I felt like my world had just crashed down around me.

Two months later, I met the love of my life. He turned out to be exactly the person I needed in my life to help get me through all the deep, dark thoughts.

Little did I know what was yet to come with regards to the cancer treatment?

Having no medical aid, I had to go to Albert Lathuli Hospital in Durban. Radiation Therapy started on the 09.01.17, 5 days a week for 6 weeks. Then the Chemotherapy started, luckily only once a week (enough to make you lose your breakfast) and finally 3 bouts of Brachy Therapy. So about 8 weeks of treatment in total. 

I must honestly say, 3 weeks in and I was ready to give up, our bodies are just not designed to withstand being “fried” to that extent. That is when with the help of my Mom and a few friends (you know who you are) I went and sought help from Dr Nell at South Coast Hospice.

Can I say that he was like a “breath of fresh air”? All of a sudden everything just made sense once he had explained the treatment and the effect my body was having. Honest to God…. if it were not for Dr Nell and the Sisters at Hospice I would not have been able to get by with the symptoms from the treatment.

I constantly needed to remind myself that the Dr’s are looking to CURE me… I just needed to “byt vas”! Here I am today, with tears in my eyes, remembering what I had to go through. It’s amazing how we take life for granted.

I got the “all clear” when I went for my check up on the 4th of May 2017. I married the Love of my life (Cornelius Maritz) my absolute Rock!! And I’m feeling pretty damn good!

Hang in there..it does get better!

Praise God.