South Africa has the largest ART programme in the world with more than 3 million patients on treatment and counting. As the South African Government embarked on test and treat, innovative approaches are required to ensure quality care for new and stable patients within the existing health system. CaSIPO’s project aims to achieve improved patient outcomes by leveraging community support to strengthen linkage to and retention in care
To achieve this goal, CaSIPO’s strategic approach focuses on developing capacity of organisations and individuals at community level to facilitate sustainable access to quality comprehensive care and support services closer to the patients.
At community level, CaSIPO works closely with CBOs (Community based organisations), AC (Adherence club) facilitators, WBOTs (Ward based outreach teams) and facility personnel to assist them in providing quality comprehensive care and support services including the establishment, maintenance and expansion of community-based ACs. To that end, CaSIPO uses various capacity development strategies to strengthen the CBOs’ systems and structures, develop individuals’ skills and provides them with the necessary tools.
All in all this has proved to be an extremely effective and innovative initiative that has yielded positive results towards the fight of HIV/AIDS in South Africa.