Twitter and tweeting has taken the world by storm and is one of the easiest means and ways to get a message across in real time as the moment has occurred. Twitter has also been used to discuss many trending issues with the use of a #hashtag.
Hospice and palliative care influencers around the world such as Jim Cleary @jfcleary, David Clark @dumfriesshire, Kate Jackson @kate_ehospice, and our very own CEO Dr. Liz Gwyther @lizhpca to name but a few, together, are all using twitter as a powerful tool to encourage people from all around the world to engage in chats on twitter about issues in their country relating to hospice and palliative care. Click here for an example of the chats that occurred in February 2016.
What is a Twitter chat?
A Twitter chat is where a group of Twitter users meet at a pre-determined time to discuss a certain topic, using a selected hashtag for each tweet contributed. A host or moderator will position questions to prompt responses from contributors and inspire communication among the group. Tweet chats typically last 30mins to an hour.
Imagine a business networking event/meeting—but without a dress code and with a keyboard instead of a notepad. The same social duties apply—courtesy and respect—and it’s a great way to meet new people with similar interests around certain topics and in this case the topic of hospice and palliative care.
Why participate in a Twitter chat?
Twitter chats provide a chance to network and grow your circle (and gain more knowledge about a specific topic) through shared interests. Through the weekly chat that is chaired by Jim Clearly every Monday with the #HPMGlobal hashtag, one goes on an journey of interest in terms of what is going on around the world with hospice, palliative care, medicines and so forth.
The Twitter chat format can be very influential in creating a sense of “place” in the massive world of social media where one could so easily get lost in all the content that is out there now a days.
Take part!
We encourage you, the reader to participate in HPCA’s very first tweet chat. The chat will take place at 2pm South African time (… GMT) on the 1st of March 2016. It will be co-chaired by @lizhpca, @HPCA_SA and @shaun_hpca.
The topics that we are hoping to cover are:
1. What do you think is the state of palliative care in SA?
2. How is palliative care delivered in your community?
3. What are the palliative care needs for the patients you care for?
Looking forward to your participation!