Latest update from the CaSIPO Project

The CaSIPO Project is a five-year project, ending this year (2018) and funded by United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in South Africa, and implemented by the prime partner, Hospice Palliative Care Association of South Africa (HPCA)  in collaboration with sub-partners. CaSIPO works in partnership with the South African Government to improve HIV care and treatment outcomes through the integration of comprehensive care and support services into the health system at the community level.

CaSIPO’s implementation model adheres to the United States President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) 3.0 and the Joint United Nation’s Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) 90-90-90 targets. This is achieved by establishment, maintenance and expansion of community adherence clubs for stable patients on antiretroviral treatment (ART) who meet the criteria according to the AGL by working in high HIV prevalence districts in South Africa.

CaSIPO’s project aims to achieve improved patient outcomes by leveraging community support to strengthen linkage to and retention in care. To achieve this goal, CaSIPO’s strategic approach focuses on developing capacity of organisations and individuals at community level to facilitate sustainable access to quality comprehensive care and support services closer to the patients.

At community level, CaSIPO works closely with CBOs, AC (Adherence Club) facilitators, WBOTs (Ward based outreach teams) and facility personnel to assist them in providing quality comprehensive care and support services including the establishment, maintenance and expansion of community ACs (Adherence Clubs). To that end, CaSIPO uses various capacity development strategies to strengthen the CBOs’ (Community based organisations) systems and structures, develop individuals’ skills and provides them with the necessary tools.

The project as been an overall massive success in South Africa and in the phase out year we plan to highlight the amazing success through short articles, feature blog posts on patients who have benefited from the program coupled by very positive stats. Keep up to date by following the CaSIPO Facebook page and the CaSIPO section on our website.