Message from CEO, Dr Liz Gwyther

International Nurses Day is celebrated around the world on 12 May, the anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birth.

Florence Nightingale is widely considered the founder of modern nursing. She made many improvements to nursing and health care and radically cut the death rate amid soldiers in the Crimean War.

HPCA would like to honour all Professional Nurses who are Champions for Palliative Care. I would like to take this opportunity to thank and congratulate the palliative care nurses for making a difference in patients and families life, who are living with life threatening illnesses.  We acknowledge that nurses are pillars of the health system in this country.  Keep up the good work

You are the light therefore you must shine,

Bring light where there is darkness.

The light will show you the way to serve your community

Patients trust you, you bring hope to the needy

The light is the symbol of knowledge and skills

The patient and family will be supported by you being a nurse