Overcoming the odds: Meet Luyanda Belinda

In continuation with our #HospiceVisits drive we are now in the fifth week of publishing the amazing success stories, moments and facts we have been able to gather during our three day trip in Durban. This week the focus is on Verulam Hospice.

While at Verulam Hospice we managed to gather a whole array of amazing stories, facts and images which we can’t wait to share with you, our readers. Our first story covers a home based care visit with one of the sisters to a patient she has been looking after since last year November.

We managed to have a chat with 12year old Luyanda Belinda who together with her mother bravely shared with me their story. Luyanda’s mother recalls last year November when her daughter fell extremely ill. She could hardly walk, talk and had no appetite. Loss of weight was inevitable and Luyanda’s mother feared for the worst.

About two weeks later a concerned neighbor mentioned to Luyanda’s mother that she should be put into contact with the nurses that visit the community on a regular basis from Verulam Hospice. Luyanda’s mother made contact with the hospice and a home based care visit was scheduled.

“The first visit we conducted was quite a shock” recalls Rose (the sister who contacted the visit). The patient was extremely ill, and looked on the verge of death. We then visited her twice a week, making sure she adheres to her medication, and takes them correctly.

The doctor from Verulam hospice made sure the correct medication was given to her. He also visited her often to make sure proper and effective intervention can be made.

Through the intervention of Verulam hospice Luyanda is now much better. Her appetite is back and she is able to go to school again. Her CD4 count was 3 at the time of intervention and through the great work Verulam made in helping this patient, it has improved drastically.

Luyanda and her mother are extremely for the help from Verulam hospice. “They literally saved my daughters life and I can only be grateful for the amazing work this hospice does.” stated Luyandas mother. 

Find out how you cam get involved and support Verulam Hospice here.