Meet Nora Kewana : Home Based Carer at Helderberg Hospice

Today we chat to Nora Kelwana about her job, what she does and how she copes with the day to day activities of being a home based carer in the Helderberg community.

What exactly do you do and what is your core focus?

I am a home based carer in the community with my main focus on TB and HIV. My work consists of a whole lot of things not just one thing, so I look at the social aspects, heath aspects and support adherence.

When you do your home-care visits, what is your approach?

My approach is one of respect. Every patient I visit and treat is different and unique. In almost all the communities I engage with have various beliefs and religions.

You cannot just go in and say “I am a nurse, I have the right to be here and give you medication.” It just does not work like that. You need to respect the rights of the patient – that is key.

What areas do you operate in and how many patients do you visit?

I work in the Helderberg area, specifically, Sirlowrys pass, Somerset west, Gordon’s bay and Strand.I attend to +- 37 patients that I treat which falls under categories 1-4. I divide the patients according to their needs and for the patients that require extra attention, I would visit more than once a week.

Do you work alone or do you have a team?

I have a team that I work with and specifically a sister who I report to, if there is something/situation above me that I cannot handle then I will report to her and we will do the visit together.

How long have you been with Helderberg Hospice for?

I have been with Helderberg hospice for 9 years and I have enjoyed it ever since I started, what I love most is the interaction with the patients, the way I can socialise, support and provide them with happiness, care and smiles.

Nora Kewana is a fine example of how dedicated those who go out to the communities and help patients in the comfort of their home are, much respect must go to her and the rest of her team.


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