Specialist Forum webinar – 21 September 2023

Specialist Forum and the Association of Palliative Care Centres (formerly the Hospice Palliative Care Association) invite you to our free, one-hour ethics CPD-accredited webinar: When to refer to palliative care.

Date: 21 September 2023
Time: 19h00

To register, click here.

We will be joined by Dr Aslam Dasoo, Chairperson of the Association of Palliative Care Centres (APCC) and Dr Dalene van Jaarsveld, a medical specialist in the Department of Oncology (Free State  Department of Health [FSDoH]).

Dr. Dasoo and Dr. van Jaarsveld will share how palliative care has evolved from caring for the dying patient to a professional speciality that provides comprehensive care for all patients with life-threatening illnesses.

During this discussion, we will look at evidence-based research for the benefits of referring early in the disease trajectory for the patient, loved ones, caregiver, and specialist as well as cover the services that are included and what triggers would prompt a palliative care referral.