

Dr Aslam Dasoo_cropped


Tersia Burger

Deputy Chairperson


Co-opted Member

Morongwa Jennifer Taje

Provincial Chair of North West Province Hospice Association

Nicola Hyde

Chairperson of Limpopo and Mpumalanga

Barend Kellerman_cropped

Co-opted Member, Kellerman Joubert Inc. Attorneys

ST Bernards Hospice Staff - 2021

Chairperson of Eastern Cape Hospice Association

Hanneke Lubbe

Chairperson of Free State Association

Di van Dyk

Provincial Vice-Chair of Kwazulu Natal

Philemon Malinga_Northern Cape

Provincial Chair of Northern Cape Hospice Association

Cecily v Heerden pic for bio

Provincial Chair of Western Cape Hospice Palliative Care Association