1. What is your name?
Esther Mogerica
2. Which hospice do you work for?
Hospice Wits
3. What do you do there?
Looking after patients
4. How long have you been there?
10 years
1. Why did you decide to focus on palliative care?
To learn more and have experience in my work.
2. What gives you the greatest fulfilment?
Taking care, being with them and giving them support.
4. What do you think people find the most challenging about a life-threatening diagnosis?
They become hopeless because they are hoping to live.
5. How do you take care of your own health and balance?
6. What is your advice to anyone else wishing to join your profession?
Have passion in what you want to do.
7. What is your advice to anyone given a life-threatening diagnosis?
Accept the news, confine with life until it comes to an end.
8. What is your advice to the loved ones of anyone who is given a life-threatening diagnosis?
Give them support and be there for them to talk about it, their feelings and be there for them.
9. How do your loved ones feel about the work that you do?
They appreciate. They become relieved because there is someone.
10. What do you like the most about the hospice that you work with?
Caring, comforting, listening to some, patience and loving care.
11. Do you have a “motto” that you tend to live by that you would like to share?
Accept the road that you are on. Everybody has their own way.