Jane Govindasamy


1. What is your name?

Jane Govindasamy

2. Which hospice do you work for?

Zululand Hospice Association

3. What do you do there?

I work as a professional nurse

4. How long have you been there?

Three years

In depth

1. Why did you decide to focus on palliative care?

I had a cerebral palsy child.

2. What gives you the greatest fulfilment?

and to support and give spiritual guidance is a great fulfilment for me.

3. What do you find the most challenging?

I find it emotionally challenging with patients right at the end of life.

4. What do you think that you personally bring to your job that reflects who you are as a person?

My empathy and support with the dying patient and their family is what I bring to each person in his/her own individual fight to stay alive and then to die with dignity.

 5. What is your advice to anyone given a life-threatening diagnosis?

The advice that I give to people with terminal illness is to still live life to the full.

6. What is your advice to the loved ones of anyone who is given a life-threatening diagnosis?

Be there for the patient.

7. How do your loved ones feel about the work that you do and what do you like the most about the hospice that you work with?

My family always inform me about hospital vacancies but I love the team spirit that we have at Zululand Hospice.

8. Do you have a “motto” that you tend to live by that you would like to share?

Not my plan but God’s plan for me.